Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oodles of Noodles Asian Soup

I told Roman he could choose anything he wanted from a kid's cookbook we have and we would make it together. To my surprise, he by-passed the desserts and snacks and choose this Asian soup with peas and noodles! Both boys loved this! I changed the recipe to fit our taste, and here it is:

4 c. chicken stock
2 oz. dried vermicelli
Salt to taste (I used about a pinch)
3/4 c. frozen peas
2 boneless, skinless chicken tenders diced small
1 1/2 t. dried chives
1 1/2 t. sesame oil
Red pepper flakes (optional)

1. Bring chicken stock, salt, and raw chicken to a boil in a large pot. Reduce heat to medium and boil until chicken is cooked through, about 5 minutes.

2. Add vermicelli and peas. Cook until noodles are al dente.

3. Stir in chives and oil.

*Note: I served the soup to my kids and then stirred in some red pepper flakes for myself, which added really good flavor.*

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I made a double batch of this for dinner and it was great! My kids all loved it, even tipping their bowls to drink the broth at the end. :) It'll be perfect to put in Carter's thermos to take to school for lunch too!